So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him;
male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27
The way that we think will ultimately affect our decision making. Men are primarily linear thinkers. You can visualize that style of thinking by picturing points on a straight line. Let's look at an example of how linear thinking works in making a decision:
At soccer practice on Friday, Jimmy asks his dad if he can spend the night with his friend, Tommy. His dad reasons that since there is no school tomorrow and the family has no plans until Saturday night, it would be fine for Jimmy to spend the night with Tommy.
Women, on the other hand, are concentric thinkers. Think of points along an infinite number of concentric circles. For those who hate math, think of it as a pebble dropped into a pond, producing ever extending circles that radiate outwardly from the center.
At soccer practice on Friday, Jimmy asks his mom if he can spend the night with his friend, Tommy. Mom's first circle of thinking deals with scheduling. Like Dad, she reasons that there is no school tomorrow and nothing on the family calendar until Saturday night, but unlike Dad, her thoughts continue to circle. Jimmy has a science project due on Monday, which he has continued to put off. What with the stay at Tommy's house, the family event on Saturday night, and church on Sunday; that only leaves Sunday afternoon to finish the project. Besides, with so many extra-curricular activities, the family has had precious little time together. Then, there is the whole subject of Tommy and his family. Tommy's parents hardly ever attend church and their ideas of suitable movies are not at all what Mom approves off. She really thinks that Tommy is a bad influence on Jimmy and would prefer to discourage that friendship. In the end, Mom decides that it wouldn't be a good idea for Jimmy to spend the night.
These very diverse ways of thinking can often cause a lot of difficulty in a marriage when it comes to communicating. When dealing with an issue, the husband sees the problem, determines a goal, and then outlines the steps needed to reach that goal. The wife, however, must cycle the problem through each of her concentric circles. She must verbalize how she feels about the problem, what she thinks the consequences of the problem might be (both now and in the future), how the problem might affect their children, how it has impacted her in the past, and even whether the problem is really the real problem. Because she thinks concentrically, she may jump from one circle to the other throughout the conversation.
To the husband, it is like watching a circus performer spinning plates. You seem to be running from plate to plate and, just when you get one really going, you run over to another plate and start all over again. In his mind, it is confusing and chaotic and, like the whole spinning plate performance, he just doesn't see the point of it.
As wives, we wonder how a man can be so successful in his job and so totally clueless at home. I've even had wives confide to me that, at times, they wonder if their husbands have suffered from a blow to their head that has left them brain damaged.
The reality is that it has nothing to do with intellect and everything to do with the differences in the way that men and women think. Fortunately, just as we are capable of learning a foreign language, it is possible for us to learn to understand the language of the opposite sex. By learning more about the differences in our way of thinking, you have taken the first step in breaking the language barrier.
Next week, I'll be looking at more differences in the way that we think and how a better understanding of our husband's brain will help us to have a better relationship.
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